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Blog gratis yang menyajikan berita seputar PLC dan SCADA.

Microsoft Windows 10

Berita seputar Microsoft Windows 10. Membahas berbagai informasi mengenai Microsoft windows terbaru.

Apple OSX

Artikel yang membahas tentang OSX terbaru dari Apple tentu sangat menarik untuk dibaca. Tak kalah serunya jika kita paham mengenai tips dan trik yang ada didalamnya.


Photography asik dan menarik jika kita mengetahuinya lebih dalam. Disini kita bisa melihat berbagai hal dari sudut pandang photo. Menarik untuk dipahami.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

ElectroDroid Apps

Software ini merupakan koleksi yang sangat powerful untuk alat electronik dan sebagai referensi. Jika anda sangat tertarik dengan elektronik anda wajib menginstall software ini. 

ElectroDroid ini sangat simple dan powerful. Didalamnya terdapat berbagai refernsi antara lain:

• Resistor color code decoder (3-6 bands);
• Inductor color code decoder;
• Ohm’s law calculator;
• Reactance calculator;
• Voltage divider;
• Resistor ratio, value/series/parallel;
• Capacitor charge calculation;
• Operational amplifier;
• LED resistor calculator;
• LM317 calculator;
• Heat dissipation;
• Battery Life calculator;
• Inductor design tool;
• Voltage Drop calculator;
• PCB Trace Width calculator;
• Simple Filters calculator;
• NE555 astable calculator;
• Port pin-out (USB, Serial, Parallel, Ethernet, SCART, DVI, HDMI, S-Video, VGA, FireWire, Jack, XLR, RCA, DMX, ATX, Molex, EIDE, SATA);
• Resources (Resistivity table; Table of standard resistors and capacitors; Capacitor marking codes; AWG and SWG Wire size; Ampacity Table; Symbols and Abbreviations; Circuit Schematic Symbols; SI Units prefixes; Battery info; Boolean logic gate and algebra Theorems; 7400 info and pinout; ASCII code);
• Full support for EIA resistor series for all caluculators;
...and more to come!
Untuk versi full silahkan anda cek di
Berikut tampilan softwarenya di SmartPhone Android.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

S7 droid Lite

Setelah beberapa hari utak atik mengenai android untuk siemens PLC.. Ternyata ada satu software android untuk PLC siemens. Namanya S7droid. Software ini saya coba running test di Andoid Ice Cream Sandwich.

S7Droid - adalah solusi perangkat lunak mobile untuk operasi pengendali Simatic S7 (S7-300, S7 400, S7-1200, S7-200) dan kontrol menggunakan Logo smartphone Android 0BA7 atau tablet. Prasyarat adalah penggunaan sebuah CPs Ethernet untuk berkomunikasi melalui jaringan IP.

Sambungan dapat dibuat melalui WLAN atau sambungan UMTS melalui VPN. S7Droid dapat membaca dan menulis PLC bidang berikut memori dan: Masukan peripheral (digital atau analog) Output peripheral (digital atau analog) Bendera daerah (hanya S7-300 / S7-1200) Data Blok Output dari nilai data dapat dilakukan dalam format berikut:

  • BOOL
  • BYTE
  • WORD
  • INT
  • REAL
  • DINT
  • TOD (Time of Day)

S7Droid ditawarkan dalam dua versi: S7Droid Lite Kendali S7Droid Komunikasi dengan PLC melalui perangkat lunak library gratis "libnodave". Selengkapnya library ini bisa di cek disini.

Port dari library  dilakukan dengan menggunakan libnodave Android NDK (Development Kit Native). Fungsi fungsi dikompilasi telah diuji sebelumnya di emulator Android dan HTC Hero.

Pada titik ini juga harus menunjukkan bahwa untuk berubah dengan S7Droid tempat penyimpanan seluruh sebuah PLC adalah dan perangkat lunak harus digunakan hanya oleh orang yang tahu apa yang mereka lakukan.

Berikut ini tampilan software S7Droid di HP Android:

Untuk informasi lengkapnya silahkan cek disini.
Atau anda bisa mendownload referensi hal ini disini. Silahkan klik kanan kemudian klik Save As.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Test from Android....

Great application... blogger Apps is very good. Thanks Google.
If you want you can download for free... at Google Play.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bagaimana Virus Stuxnet Menyerang System PLC dan Cara Mengatasinya.

Beberapa waktu lalu kita pernah digegerkan dengan virus Stuxnet. Virus ini sangat berbahaya karena menyerang sistem database yang berada di CPU PLC, yaitu DB890 dan DB8062.

Bagaimana virus tersebut bereaksi dan menyerang PLC, silahkan simak video dibawah ini:

Dengan menyimak video diatas, anda akan menyadari dan membayangkan bagaimana jika virus ini menyerang sistem plc sekala besar di industri bahkan di reaktor nuklir.... Ini bisa menjadi hal yang sangat berbahaya... karena PLC menjadi tidak terkontrol/Ngaco...!

In the Symantec demo example = CPU S7-315 2DP (6ES7 315-2AF03-0AB0) + with Digital outputs modul, with simple program = main organization block OB1 with simple code (1 timer and 1 output).
We see that the virus Stuxnet kills the simple control system immediately at startup!
The virus can destroy any control system S7 !?
It does not check the hardware configuration and program.
It starts immediately at startup.
And all that is written about the intelligence of the virus is a lie ?
No one can believe :( 

To Langner
Not only Russian experts create automation objects in Asian countries.
For example, many Finnish companies operating in the region.

Distribution pattern and mass infection suggests that the virus is spread primarily on the domestic level - from hand to hand (from USB stick to USB stick) and not via the Internet.
How much time is necessary, in order to infect the area alone?

Dibawah ini peta informasi mengenai negara yang terjangkit virus ini. Indonesia merupakan negara yang paling banyak terserang virus ini. Lihat peta dibawah ini:

Untuk menghilangkan virus ini, silahkan baca dengan detail disini: 


Semoga bermanfaat.

Download Center Untuk OMRON PLC

Bingung bagaimana cara mendapatkan Manual Book atau Datasheet untuk perangkat otomatisasi dari Omron?

Caranya sangat mudah, silahkan anda menuju alamat berikut ini: 

Setelah itu akan muncul halaman website seperti ini:

Kemudian di halaman tersebut klik "Click here to go to the download centre",  maka satu popup windows akan muncul seperti ini.

Kemudian anda masukan kata kunci di kolom Search... dan pilih Document type yang anda inginkan seperti terlihat gambar diatas. Contohnya: saya masukan kata kunci "PLC" maka secara otomatis semua file PDF tentang PLC akan muncul.... tampilannya seperti ini:

Kemudian setelah muncul seperti gambar diatas, pilih file PDF sesuai dengan bahasa yang anda inginkan. EN (English), DE (German), ES (Spanyol), FR (France, IT (Italy).

Selamat mencoba.. semoga bermanfaat.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FactoryTalk Activation Manager - Cara mudah aktivasi lisensi untuk Rockwell PLC Software

Sudah pernahkah anda menggunakan FactoryTalk Activation Manager dari Rockwell? 

Sebelum menjalankan aktivasi lisensi ini, pastikan anda terhubung dengan jaringan internet. dan Process ini hanya berlaku untuk aktivasi serial number resmi "BUKAN BAJAKAN/BUKAN COPY".

System requirements

In general, FactoryTalk Activation is designed to work within the system requirements of all Rockwell Automation software products. FactoryTalk® Activation is compatible with the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the following operating systems:

  • Windows® 7
  • Windows Vista SP2, Business and Home editions
  • Windows XP SP SP3
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2
  • Windows 2003 Server SP2
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2
  • Windows 2008 R2 Server (64 bit)

Activations may be installed on compressed drives and RAID arrays.

Unsupported operating systems

The following operating systems are no longer supported:
Windows 2000
  • Windows 9x
  • Windows NT 4.0

Berikut ini cara singkat dan mudah jika anda mempunyai Lisensi Software RSLogix5000 atau FactoryView.

Jalankan Software FactoryTalk Activation Manager melalui Start > Programs >> Rockwell Software >> FactoryTalk Activation >> FactoryTalk Activation Manager. Kemudian akan muncul windows seperti dibawah ini.

Kemudian setelah muncul windows seperti diatas, klik tombol Get New Activation, setelah itu ikut langkah yang diberikan, masukan serial number software rockwell, kemudian klik tab Manage Activation. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan windows seperti dibawah ini.

Klik Get New Activations dan secara otomatis software ini akan terkonek dengan server Rockwell.
Jika anda berhasil mengaktivasi lisensi ini.. sebuah tampilan kolom yang merincikan apa yang anda aktivasi akan muncul.

Jika anda ingin mengetahui status server aktivasi... silahkan klik tab Advanced...

Selamat mencoba dan Say no to Copy... No Bajakan.. No Pirates....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Introduction to RS485

RS232, RS422, RS423 and RS485 are serial communication methods for computers and devices. RS232 is without doubt the best known interface, because this serial interface is implemented on almost all computers available today. But some of the other interfaces are certainly interesting because they can be used in situations where RS232 is not appropriate. We will concentrate on the RS485 interface here.
RS232 is an interface to connect one DTE, data terminal equipment to one DCE, data communication equipment at a maximum speed of 20 kbps with a maximum cable length of 50 feet. This was sufficient in the old days where almost all computer equipment were connected using modems, but soon after people started to look for interfaces capable of one or more of the following:
  • Connect DTE's directly without the need of modems
  • Connect several DTE's in a network structure
  • Ability to communicate over longer distances
  • Ability to communicate at faster communication rates
RS485 is the most versatile communication standard in the standard series defined by the EIA, as it performs well on all four points. That is why RS485 is currently a widely used communication interface in data acquisition and control applications where multiple nodes communicate with each other.

Differential signals with RS485:
Longer distances and higher bit rates

One of the main problems with RS232 is the lack of immunity for noise on the signal lines. The transmitter and receiver compare the voltages of the data- and handshake lines with one common zero line. Shifts in the ground level can have disastrous effects. Therefore the trigger level of the RS232 interface is set relatively high at ±3 Volt. Noise is easily picked up and limits both the maximum distance and communication speed. With RS485 on the contrary there is no such thing as a common zero as a signal reference. Several volts difference in the ground level of the RS485 transmitter and receiver does not cause any problems. The RS485 signals are floating and each signal is transmitted over a Sig+ line and a Sig- line. The RS485 receiver compares the voltage difference between both lines, instead of the absolute voltage level on a signal line. This works well and prevents the existence of ground loops, a common source of communication problems. The best results are achieved if the Sig+ and Sig- lines are twisted. The image below explains why.

Noise in straight and twisted pair cables
Noise in straight and twisted pair cables

In the picture above, noise is generated by magnetic fields from the environment. The picture shows the magnetic field lines and the noise current in the RS485 data lines that is the result of that magnetic field. In the straight cable, all noise current is flowing in the same direction, practically generating a looping current just like in an ordinary transformer. When the cable is twisted, we see that in some parts of the signal lines the direction of the noise current is the oposite from the current in other parts of the cable. Because of this, the resulting noise current is many factors lower than with an ordinary straight cable. Shielding—which is a common method to prevent noise in RS232 lines—tries to keep hostile magnetic fields away from the signal lines. Twisted pairs in RS485 communication however adds immunity which is a much better way to fight noise. The magnetic fields are allowed to pass, but do no harm. If high noise immunity is needed, often a combination of twisting and shielding is used as for example in STP, shielded twisted pair and FTP, foiled twisted pair networking cables. Differential signals and twisting allows RS485 to communicate over much longer communication distances than achievable with RS232. With RS485 communication distances of 1200 m are possible.
Differential signal lines also allow higher bit rates than possible with non-differential connections. Therefore RS485 can overcome the practical communication speed limit of RS232. Currently RS485 drivers are produced that can achieve a bit rate of 35 mbps.

Characteristics of RS485 compared to RS232, RS422 and RS423

Characteristics of RS232, RS422, RS423 and RS485

Max number of drivers
Max number of receivers
Modes of operationhalf duplex
full duplex
half duplexhalf duplexhalf duplex
Network topologypoint-to-pointmultidropmultidropmultipoint
Max distance (acc. standard)15 m1200 m1200 m1200 m
Max speed at 12 m
Max speed at 1200 m
20 kbs
(1 kbs)
100 kbs
1 kbs
10 Mbs
100 kbs
35 Mbs
100 kbs
Max slew rate30 V/μsadjustablen/an/a
Receiver input resistance3..7 kΩ≧ 4 kΩ≧ 4 kΩ≧ 12 kΩ
Driver load impedance3..7 kΩ≧ 450 Ω100 Ω54 Ω
Receiver input sensitivity±3 V±200 mV±200 mV±200 mV
Receiver input range±15 V±12 V±10 V–7..12 V
Max driver output voltage±25 V±6 V±6 V–7..12 V
Min driver output voltage (with load)±5 V±3.6 V±2.0 V±1.5 V

What does all the information in this table tell us? First of all we see that the speed of the differential interfaces RS422 and RS485 is far superior to the single ended versions RS232 and RS423. We also see that there is a maximum slew rate defined for both RS232 and RS423. This has been done to avoid reflections of signals. The maximum slew rate also limits the maximum communication speed on the line. For both other interfaces—RS422 and RS485—the slew rate is indefinite. To avoid reflections on longer cables it is necessary to use appropriate termination resitors.
We also see that the maximum allowed voltage levels for all interfaces are in the same range, but that the signal level is lower for the faster interfaces. Because of this RS485 and the others can be used in situations with a severe ground level shift of several volts, where at the same time high bit rates are possible because the transition between logical 0 and logical 1 is only a few hundred millivolts.
Interesting is, that RS232 is the only interface capable of full duplex communication. This is, because on the other interfaces the communication channel is shared by multiple receivers and—in the case of RS485—by multiple senders. RS232 has a separate communication line for transmitting and receiving which—with a well written protocol—allows higher effective data rates at the same bit rate than the other interfaces. The request and acknowledge data needed in most protocols does not consume bandwidth on the primary data channel of RS232.

Network topology with RS485

Network topology is probably the reason why RS485 is now the favorite of the four mentioned interfaces in data acquisition and control applications. RS485 is the only of the interfaces capable of internetworking multiple transmitters and receivers in the same network. When using the default RS485 receivers with an input resistance of 12 kΩ it is possible to connect 32 devices to the network. Currently available high-resistance RS485 inputs allow this number to be expanded to 256. RS485 repeaters are also available which make it possible to increase the number of nodes to several thousands, spanning multiple kilometers. And that with an interface which does not require intelligent network hardware: the implementation on the software side is not much more difficult than with RS232. It is the reason why RS485 is so popular with computers, PLCs, micro controllers and intelligent sensors in scientific and technical applications.

RS485 network topology
RS485 network topology

In the picture above, the general network topology of RS485 is shown. N nodes are connected in a multipoint RS485 network. For higher speeds and longer lines, the termination resistances are necessary on both ends of the line to eliminate reflections. Use 100 Ω resistors on both ends. The RS485 network must be designed as one line with multiple drops, not as a star. Although total cable length maybe shorter in a star configuration, adequate termination is not possible anymore and signal quality may degrade significantly.

RS485 functionality

And now the most important question, how does RS485 function in practice? Default, all the senders on the RS485 bus are in tri-state with high impedance. In most higher level protocols, one of the nodes is defined as a master which sends queries or commands over the RS485 bus. All other nodes receive these data. Depending of the information in the sent data, zero or more nodes on the line respond to the master. In this situation, bandwidth can be used for almost 100%. There are other implementations of RS485 networks where every node can start a data session on its own. This is comparable with the way ethernet networks function. Because there is a chance of data collosion with this implementation, theory tells us that in this case only 37% of the bandwidth will be effectively used. With such an implementation of a RS485 network it is necessary that there is error detection implemented in the higher level protocol to detect the data corruption and resend the information at a later time.
There is no need for the senders to explicity turn the RS485 driver on or off. RS485 drivers automatically return to their high impedance tri-state within a few microseconds after the data has been sent. Therefore it is not needed to have delays between the data packets on the RS485 bus.
RS485 is used as the electrical layer for many well known interface standards, including Profibus and Modbus. Therefore RS485 will be in use for many years in the future.

ArchestrA System Platform

ArchestrA System Platform provides a single, scalable software platform for integrating your existing SCADA, Supervisory HMI, MES and EMI systems into a unified operations management solution. It helps drive a culture of success to solve your business problems and accomplish your initiatives.

Maintaining legacy industrial systems can be costly and resource intensive, System Platform is the solution. Its integrated development environment, object based approach and set of common services allows you to build a single, easily maintained and extended “plant model” that represents the physical processes being controlled and supervised at your production facilities. The ArchestrA System Platform also makes configuration, logging, delivery and maintenance of real-time and historical information point-and-click simple.

The System Platform also provides a high-performance process historian with production history archiving and retrieval, along with an industrial web information server that dramatically simplifies the organization and delivery of operations information to all functions within your organization.

Key Benefits

  • Integrate People, Information and Processes
  • Empower and motivate People to collaborate
  • Drive, Enforce and Adapt Processes
  • Drive, Enforce and Adapt Standards
  • Achieve Consistent High Quality
  • Enable innovation and adaptability to Change
  • Reduce Risk
  • Shorten the Time to Value/Time to Market
  • Retain highly valued People
  • Increase Profits

Key Capabilities

  • Common plant model reduces complexity
  • Remote software deployment and maintenance
  • Extensible and easily maintained using template-based and object oriented structures
  • Powerful role-based security model
  • "Optimized for SCADA" network and communication features
  • Historical data collection and advanced trending
  • Web based reporting capabilities
  • Support of Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, Smart Card authentication and Hyper-V virtualization allow highly economic, secure and available systems 
Nucor Steel
System Platform enabled the centralization of all data coming out of the different furnaces in Nucor's melt shop, providing tight integration regardless of its source.
Read the success story (pdf) | View the success story video

Monday, May 7, 2012

Top Ten Engineering Universities of The World.

With average starting salaries ranging from US$52,000 to US$83,000 in 2009, Engineering is a profession that is sure to come to mind when deciding your career, or for that matter, your child's. On the other hand, if you are the building-something-new-everyday type, you still need to choose the right university to equip yourself with the right set of skills, so that, one day you can build that mega-machine that you dream of. Today we take a look at the top 10 Engineering Universities of the world so that when you are ready for Engineering, you can make the right move.


Mechatronics is the combination of Mechanical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Software engineering, Control engineering, and Systems Design engineering in order to design and manufacture useful products.[1][2] Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering, that is to say it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines. Originally, mechatronics just included the combination between mechanics and electronics, hence the word is only a portmanteau of mechanics and electronics; however, as technical systems has become more and more complex the word has been "updated" during recent years to include more technical areas.
French standard NF E 01-010 gives the following definition: “approach aiming at the synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics, control theory, and computer science within product design and manufacturing, in order to improve and/or optimize its functionality".

Mechatronics is a dynamic field that changes daily with the rapid improvements in technology and computer systems. If you like to work with highly automated equipment, computer interfacing, and simulation software, and if you like to see what things are made of and how they work using both your mind and your hands, you will enjoy this program.

Mechatronics is a new, interdisciplinary field involving mechanical, instrumentation, electronics, robotics/automation, computer components and control systems. Systems are networked together to meet the demands of highly automated manufacturing processes and technicians are trained to master the necessary skills.


Kuliah Mechatronic:

Kemudian apa saja pekerjaan di bidang Mechatronic ini... simak di video di bawah ini...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wonderware Tutorial

Dibawah ini beberapa tutorial tentang SCADA Software "Wonderware Intouch". 
Silahkan disimak.

Untuk lebih detail mengenai Wonderware Tutorial silahkan akses di

Why can't you install the SQL server from WinCC V6.2 or WinCC V6.2 SP2 after installing WinCC flexible 2008?

Fault description:WinCC flexible 2008 is already installed and the WinCC V6.2 and WinCC V6.2 SP2 SQL server cannot be installed.
Cause:A possible cause is the influence of the different SQL instances that are installed product-specifically with the installation of WinCC flexible or WinCC.
It is imperative that you keep to the following installation sequence when you install WinCC V6.2 or WinCC V6.2 SP2 and WinCC flexible 2008:
  1. WinCC V6.2 or WinCC V6.2 SP2
  2. WinCC flexible 2008
If you have already installed WinCC flexible 2008, consider the following procedure.
Remedy:You can only install the SQL server from WinCC V6.2 or WinCC V6.2 SP2 if the WinCC flexible instance of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition was deinstalled. WinCC flexible 2008 does not have to be deinstalled.
Procedure: The table below describes the deinstallation of the WinCC flexible instance of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition:

No. Procedure
1 Deinstalling SQL instance A complete deinstallation of WinCC flexible 2008 is not required.
  • Open the "Control Panel" of your operating system.
  • In the "Control Panel" click on "Software".
  • Select "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" and click on "Remove".

Fig. 01 - Remove program
2 Selecting Desktop Engine
  • Select "WINCCFLEXEXPRESS" in the opened dialog.
  • Click on "Next".

Fig. 02 - Select SQL-Instance
3 Finishing deinstallation
  • Click "Finish".
  • Reboot the PC after finishing the deinstallation.

Fig. 03 - Deinstallation of teh SQL-Instance
4 Installing WinCC and the SQL instance
  • Install WinCC V6.2 or WinCC V6.2 SP2
  • Start the "Setup.exe" file on the product DVD of WinCC flexible 2008 and execute the installation.
  • Accept the license agreements.
  • Click on "Next" and do not change the presettings in the following dialogs of the installation - see also Fig.04.

    If the presettings are not changed only the WinCC flexible Instance of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is installed.
  • Reboot the PC after installing the SQL instance for WinCC flexible 2008 again.

Fig. 04 - Installing SQL-Instance

With what are SIMATIC WinCC flexible 2008, 2007, 2005 and 2004 compatible?

Compatibility Tool
A new Compatibility Tool is available for you at the Service & Support site.
It is designed to support you in questions of the compatibility of various SIMATIC software products.
The contents are due to be included in the Compatibility Tool.
We would appreciate your feedback on the new Compatibility Tool.
For this, please fill in and return the feedback form.
The table below contains the link to the Compatibility Tool and the feedback form.
Brief InstructionsTo query the compatibility information you require, you must first choose a "master component" (WinCC, PCS 7, STEP 7, ...). To these "master components" you add more components (such as operating systems, virus scanners, other SIMATIC products, ...). Once you have chosen the components you require, you can have the compatibility list shown by hitting the "Show compatibility" button. A detailed description of the tool is available in the Online_Help.pdf file in the table below.
Link to Compatibility Tool
Feedback Form
Your feedback to assist in the further development of the Compatibility Tool.
Configuration Notes
The following tables show the compatibility between the individual versions of SIMATIC WinCC flexible and the Microsoft operating systems as well as the other SIMATIC components.
Please note that all the operating systems and SIMATIC components that are not listed are neither tested nor released with regard to compatibility.
Compatibility lists
The following table shows you the compatibility chart in the known style.

WinCC flexible is compatible with the shown product versions: WinCC flexible compatibility list ( 77 KB )
KeywordsWindows 2000 Professional, XP, Vista, Internet, Explorer, Compatibility, Overview, Version, Releases, Windows 7, Windows Seven, Win7, compatible, WinAC RTX, SIMATIC Logon, iMAP, ProTool, SIMATIC NET, STEP 7, SIMOTION Scout, STEP 7 Basic V10.5,

Silahkan cek kompetibility Software siemens yang anda punyai jika mau di Install di Windows.. dll. Klik Address berikut:
Kemudian ikuti petunjuk berikutnya di websitenya.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Download Siemens Simatic S7 V5.4 SP1

Ini dia.. hasil browsing hari ini. Jika kepengen download Siemens Simatic Manager S7 V5.4 SP1. Saya dapat dari web China.. Linknya ini dia:

Sedangkan  jika ingin langsung download silahkan cek dibawah ini:
Simatic download:

Saya temukan juga link yang lainnya, silahkan cek di direktori ini

Hanya untuk belajar, kalau sudah pintar punya duit.. beli yang software yang orsinil.

What We Have On This Blogs..

Hari ke hari kita wajib belajar terus... dan itu hukumnya wajib buat yang mau berfikir.
Berikut ini hal-hal yang mungkin sangat berguna bagi pembaca blog ini. Di bawah ini kita mempunyai beberapa tutor untuk belajar dan bergabung dengan Komunitas Engineer Indonesia.

1. Bisa belajar PLC via Video dari Youtube. Silahkan tinggal klik icon Youtube di bar Wibiya dibawah. Secara otomatis video tentang automation akan muncul.

 2. Bergabung dengan KOMUNITAS ENGINEER INDONESIA di Facebook. Dengan hanya mengklik Icon "Our Group", secara otomatis anda bisa membaca status terakhir dari teman-teman kita di Facebook dan bergabung dengan teman-teman yang lain.

 3. Bingung dengan Bahasa Inggris yang ada di Situs ini?.... Tidak usah khawatir sembari belajar kita bisa translate semua halaman yang akan anda baca ke Bahasa Indonesia. Lihat halaman kanan atas kemudian pilih Bahasa Indonesia... Secara otomatis halaman web akan berubah menjadi Bahasa Indonesia.

Selamat mencoba.. semoga bermanfaat... Belajar yang semangat dan serius ya.. Insya Allah rezekinya nanti pasti ketemau juga.

Ada usulan lain? Saya tunggu komentarnya.