Function overview With SIMATIC HMI operator control and monitoring devices, the runtime software is on-board and, depending on the equipments hardware, this gives you different HMI functionality and performance profiles. The runtime functionality can be expanded using options. Some of the options are only available for Panels of a specific class and above, others are integrated to a certain extent. As an independant software product SIMATIC WinCC flexible Runtime offers all the options needed for PC based HMI: - Functionality of basic Runtime Softtware
- Operator functions,
- Graphics and trend representations,
- Alarm system,
- Report and logging system,
- Functionality of Runtime options
- Archiving ,
- Recipe management ,
- OPC communication
- Sm@rtClient/server concepts
- Service & Diagnostics across the Web
- Logging and tracking of operator actions ,
- Process diagnostics
Due to its individually scalable system functionality, with WinCC flexible you only pay for the functionality that you need to solve your current HMI task. You can also flexibly extend the runtime functionality at any time using Visual Basic scripts. |
User interface In WinCC flexible, the system carries out visualization by means of a Windows-conformant user interface that is composed of parameterizable screen objects and screens that you create on a project-specific basis: - Static text and graphics display as well as vector graphics
- Graphics displays for different standard graphics formats, e.g. bmp, .jpg, .wmf
- Pushbuttons and switches for process operation
- Date/time fields
- Numeric and alphanumeric input/ output fields
- Symbolic and graphic input/output fields
- Dynamizable graphics from the SIMATIC HMI symbol library
- Bar charts, analog display, sliders
- Trend graphics with paging and zoom functions and cursor line
- Alarm displays with operator controls
- Technological screen modules created from basic system objects
Alarms and logging system Alarms and messages The system generates messages in WinCC flexible in three ways: - Bit messages,
- Analog messages
- Messages via message frame alarm procedure Alarm_S/Alarm_D with SIMATIC S7
Using freely defi nable message classes, you can determine the acknowledgement response and the representation of the alarm events. Logs/reports In WinCC flexible, you can output logs or reports on a time- or event-driven basis. In this context, you can design the layout in any way you like. User administration Even the basic system guarantees access protection which means that only authorized personnel have access within the scope of their responsibility at the operator panel. In this context, each user is assigned to a user group with defined function privileges. This prevents unauthorized users from changing recipes or starting process steps without permission, for example. Apart from this, two-component authorization comprising a user ID and password, password aging (to ensure that passwords are renewed on a regular basis), blocking users by the administrator and automatic logout if users are inactive for a relatively long period of time are additional system functions that ensure high quality standards in production. With WinCC flexible 2008 new functions have been added: - Adjustable number of invalid login attempts
- Optionally, the login can be reduced to just the password
- Hierarchical authorizations among the administrators
- Individual groups can be excluded from the password aging
- Hidden password entry
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