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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

OpenSCADA – The OpenSource SCADA System

Screenshot of the steel mill demo in CitectSCA...Image via Wikipedia

Scada systems are used for communication between software systems and the machines they control. The old monolithic Scada systems are being replaced by open, distributed environments, which provide a central overview of the whole system. Open protocols and network technology are applied to reduce costs while increasing quality and reliability of the system.

Scada systems are used for communication between software systems and the mashines they control. The old monolithic Scada systems are being replaced by open, distributed environments, which provide a central overview of the whole system. Open protocols and network technology are applied to reduce costs while increasing quality and reliability of the system.OpenSCADA® has taken this trend one step further: by providing an open SCADA platform, system limitation are overcome. This means OpenSCADA® is independent of technologies. Furthermore, integration is simple, it is highly configurable, meaning that creating a runtime environment is easy. The running system is readily extendible, and test and simulation environments are easily set up.

The Open Idea – Why OpenSCADA®?

The Open idea has several meanings in the OpenSCADA® Project:

Open architecture

Simple interfaces and a highly configurable environment enable quick development of a base system. Developed modules can be run and tested on the simulation system, which is also provided.

Open platform

OpenSCADA® is not limited to a certain Operating System (OS). The OS can be a system like Windows, Linux, MacOS, or Unix. You can chose the runtime Operating System independently.

Open development environment

OpenSCADA® is not limited to a development environment. Different projects are implemented in different environments, e. g. Java, C/C++, C#. By using the independent communication protocol, any programming language can be used to write OpenSCADA® components.

Open Source Code

Both the base modules and the extention modules are provided under the LGPL and GPL. The source code is open to everybody.

Please visit website OpenSCADA at

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