Would recommend that all who teach college emergency management courses get a copy to review for consideration as a textbook. ...it is, as the back cover notes practical, easy to use, and does a very good job covering "the roles, responsibilities and interrelationships that exist among state and local emergency management systems, FEMA, and other critical partners. - B.Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM Higher Education Project Manager, Emergency Management Institute, National Emergency Training Center, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
Although books on security, by the very nature of the industry, are particularly suited to action, it's remarkable how many of them are lifeless and abstract. Not so this book on emergency management, where the protagonists - disasters - take center stage. The authors load the book with bracing case studies and examples, which have infinitely more impact than generalizations and theories. But the case studies go beyond giving life to the book. They also inspire ideas that emergency managers can themselves implement. Two appendices offer a wealth of resources, including a list of emergency management Web sites and a glossary of acronyms. The combination of this material with the case studies, facts and figures, examples, diagrams, and templates makes this book a fine resource. - Security Management
"Authors George Haddow and Jane Bullock examine emergency management with a focus on the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) and its role in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). With insiders' views of their agency born from their time with FEMA in the late 1990s, Haddow and Bullock have special insight in the responsibilities and organization of FEMA...In this second edition, new information details FEMA's 2003 absorption into DHS, as well as new marching orders given by various presidential directives." - Security Management, Sept. 2006
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